Welcome to The G Spot: The Official Newsletter of Coach Glenn Klein!
My passion and focus is to see men blossom in every area of their lives, especially but not exclusively in their sex lives.
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Now back to our regularly scheduled program…
“And I lost my hard-on”.
That is the first line of my upcoming book: “The Book for Men: A 21st Century Guide to Masculinity”.
Ever lose your hard-on or know a guy who did?
It’s not fun. This was not the first time it happened to me. When I was a young man, it almost always happened the first time I was with a woman. I did not know why it was happening. So, at the ripe old age of 20 I headed down to the sex clinic at the University of Wisconsin’s psychology department. I was a junior in Madison.
My own challenges and insecurities are undoubtedly a big part of why I have always been fascinated by human sexuality and not just like your typical horny guy. For me, it was and remains an academic pursuit. What makes men and women tick sexually? Maybe I was so intrigued because I was so inept and ignorant. Regardless of the reasons, I always wanted to know the whys and wherefores.
Which brings me back to “And I lost my hard-on”.
It was the first time I had been with this very attractive women, Sarah. She was 10 years younger than I and I knew she had “game”. I had grown significantly in my understanding of the male/female dynamic, what women look for and what attracts them. This was our first date. As I was “taking care of business” at her place the first time out, I felt pretty proud of myself—shallow as that may be. Proud that is, until things went south, so to speak.
When that happens to a man, it typically does not end very well. This time was pretty typical. But me being me, I couldn’t leave well enough alone. So, as I was cleaning up, I asked Sarah, “This isn’t the first time this has happened to you, is it?” She said, “Oh, it happens all the time.” I asked, “Why is that?” She responded, “Glenn, at its core sex between men and women is nothing but a struggle for power and control. If the man wins, both win. If the woman wins, both lose.”
Most of what I have learned about the dynamic between men and women I have learned from women. And I knew this woman knew more than the average sexually active adult.
“What should I have done?” I wanted to learn and know more.
The answer she gave me changed my life. Because of the perspective and coaching I have developed from that experience, it has changed the lives of untold numbers of men (and women) around the world.
Stay logged on, tuned in, and watch out for my next email when I will share more about the secret she told me about.
This newsletter is going to provide men (and the women who love them) answers to one of society’s greatest dilemmas: the current state of male-female relationships.
It’s going to be fun, informative and beneficial to all involved.
So, please tell your friends to go to my website and sign-up for “The G-Spot” @ coachglennklein.com and feel free to let me know how I can help you and what questions you have.
Your Coach for Life,